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v nice


Love it! I would totally play a much longer version. Congratulations, Dev!

Deleted post

super cool but I wish there was check points


I don't get it, but it was cool to watch happen to me



This was pretty fun and a nice use of the dice gimmick!
Also, I pretty much love how equilibrated it is.


This was so much fun! I'd love a longer version.

Love the concept I just wish the game had a few checkpoints sprinkled here and there

Oh and maybe make more encounters than just upgrading and random, not to criticize but for all of u who have beaten the game 5+ times, I'm pretty sure we're all tired of the same three "random" encounters, nothing wrong with the upgrade but you only encounter like two even one of the randoms gives an upgrade offer when that's what the upgrades are for, anyway I love your game just putting a thought in here.  :)

Just a thought for the full version, maybe add more characters that start with specific dice and abilities. Pretty cool game either way!


What a great game! Like everyone else in the comments, I'd love to play a longer version, thanks for making this!

I agree with Georgio in the fact that I'd love a longer version of the game. Maybe in that version, you could have the option instead of healing or upgrading, you could upgrade your DICE. Just a thought. anyways love your game keep it up!  

lamo beat this game twice in a row because I had nothing else to do. XD

ps make dis longer ill even PAY for it.

first try

this game is really fun and interesting.

This game is so good but I think you can make it longer with interesting ideas. Keep it up!

The minute I saw this game I saw references to Kirby, Megaman, and Pokemon . And I had to like it.

Super fun, I could see this doing really well with a few more choices and abilities to debate over 


nice design, liked dice mechanics


I need the long version now !

Enjoyed it, and while I almost died a few times, it was fun regardless.

Cool, haven't seen this style of RPG before! The dice reminds me a bit of Lost in Random, you gotta throw a dice to attack. But that one I always land on some useless weapon haha that I am forced to use


Loved the concept for this game! I would really love to play a longer version of this!


Great concept for a game. Pretty fun mechanics too!
 Nice to see some Godot love

Great to see a game made with godot handle so well.I really liked the polish in the looks of the game.

Amazing work on this! I loved the experience!

this was so great!!! Love the aesthetic, and dice mechanics are common but it felt really refined and balanced here. I just barely lost my first game cuz I didn't heal before the boss, and second time it felt great and I won.


this was so satisfying to play i wish there was a longer version of this

Wow found your youtube today, and decided to check your itch and this is a gem of a game! One of my best ever game jam games I've played, it kinda reminds me a bit of dicey dungeon because it has dice and can add power to them etc. I really would love to see a more complicated complete game on this.


Wow, this is amazingly high-quality. What a fun conecept and aesthetic. Your games hit such a perfect balance level for my tastes.

(1 edit) (+1)

that was so fun! maybe you should add a button so you can decide if you wanna keep playing lol


I love the style of this game!

I realy enjoyed playing it.


no exaggeration when i say this is my favorite game on this site!!! loved it, wish there were more boards to clear!

It's deffo one of my best gamejam submissions in ANY jam that I've played so far


wow this is so good!!!

I really liked the mechanic and feel of the game, very nice

Super cool mechanic!


really really really solid game. Retained my attention the whole time, one of my favorite games on the platform, give us a sequel, bravo!

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