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really neat.

This was real fun. Thank you!

(1 edit)

yeah, the game where youre character get older too

Very damn nice. I love it how colors themselves are a part of the gameplay. Well done!

good game, I cleared!

I love it. Great job.

(1 edit)

Great game it can't even load at all

it doesn't load at all keeps getting am error 


the Colour curse made me delusional and very illusional


maltreating to my eye


hard asf i enjoy this gam

An amazing game, this is simple and awesome

Great masochistic game :^) Love it

I hope you don't mind that I used your game for some sweet...sweet internet clout...


Really enjoyed this!

very epic

This looks fun and simple. Let's go...


It's a really cool game. The only thing it would be nice to see more gameplay oriented curses in contrast to ones that just alter the visuals.


Really nice game dude like the idea of curses making your run harder as you go along :)

This is super cool!

Good concept I love this game

(2 edits)

This game is really fun, but it's generally not a good game to play on a Mac/Chromebook or any device with a touchpad instead of a mouse.

It's not even the game's fault, it's just that aiming by holding down the left-click both makes your finger cramp and makes your aim choppy or just inaccurate. Trying to balance that and moving at a high-speed pace to dodge makes it super hard to play.

The game is a ten-out-of-ten, but I'm just sad I couldn't fully play it. Maybe add a different button to use your flashlight so you can both aim and shoot without it being annoying too? (F for flashlight maybe?)

Hey! Hope you don't mind that I made a vid off your game. Love the concept, didn't expect the visual curses to be that detrimental lol. Looking forward to the next game!

Pretty cool concept, could  be easily expanded.

Hello, I recently started channel and decided to make this game's gameplay video as my first video. I really like this game! I played it much more often than I thought I will.

Hey man, Awesome game.. Can i get in touch with you regarding how you created this game? Please email me at


Great game, really interesting mechanics and fun gameplay

does anybody get a error when downlaoded that it says it cant find de pkj file or smth. its a fun game tho i dig it


very fun!! :)


Great game!


(1 edit)

fist play through, by the boss i didn't have my cursor, OR LIGHT BEAM, i was completely blind, beat it with only deaths though!

(1 edit)

yooo same but i didnt get any deaths

the game constantly glitches and  makes you stuck in a corner unable to move, I can't beat the boss because of this, otherwise, amazing game!

Very fun game!

(1 edit) (+3)

One thing I didn't like was the random palette modifier, I thought it'd be a harmless one but some of the color choices actually caused me physical pain IRL. It also seems like it'd cause issues for colorblind players.

Aside from that, it's a very interesting game concept, inverting the formula of picking random upgrades into random downgrades instead.

What game engine does it use?



(1 edit)

This is fun. I just didn’t like the cursor, I know it is supposed to be hard, but the cursor is just too much.

Edit: I meant the cursor to be invisible at some point.


then don't pick the "cursor is invisible" curse


LOL, the most real reply on this website.


Good point.

This is actually a pretty fun game. I dig it.

great game and great concept also thank you for the no hit game mode..i 100% did not beat this game on that game mode and only recorded the final boss because i forgot to press record on obs and you can't even see anything because i got a certain curse that made the game nearly unplayable because i was unlucky with the color palette it gave me...wait a minute- 

Pretty nice concept! You make yourself weaker each time. You make your life harder by yourself! I just play it once


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